Student Success: Chloe Vallance – Group exhibition


Journey Home, Chloe Vallance

2014 alumna Chloe Vallance is currently exhibiting her work as part of a group exhibition at the Fehily Contemporary Gallery in Melbourne, Australia.

We invited Chloe to tell us a little more about the shows opening and the work she is exhibiting … Continue reading Student Success: Chloe Vallance – Group exhibition

Faculty Works: The Window at 125

Window noun

win·dow (wĭn′dō)

An opening in the wall or roof of a building or vehicle, fitted with glass in a frame to admit light or air and allow people to see out…

Or in the case of The Window at 125, encouraging people to look in. Continue reading Faculty Works: The Window at 125

Student Success: 2014 Student Show

The Summer 2014 program was barely over before the doors opened to the first Rome Art Program show of the year.

On September 12-14th 2014 American University in Dubai played host to Crossing The Line 2 a conference dedicated to drawing in the Middle East, which included several exhibitions. Continue reading Student Success: 2014 Student Show

Student Success: Chloe Vallance – Solo Exhibition

In April this year, Summer 2014 student Chloe Vallance held a solo exhibition of her Masters of Arts (Fine Art) by Research at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. The project was entitled A Moment of Beauty: An Archive of Intimate Engagements.

We spoke to Chloe recently and she gave us an insight into the exhibition and her work.

Continue reading Student Success: Chloe Vallance – Solo Exhibition