
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we thought we would ask our Rome-based, American faculty about their plans for the holiday and find out if their celebrations have been influenced by their European residence… Continue reading Thanksgiving

The Eternal City

Rome is called the Eternal City but I ask myself what that means. The word eternal  can mean lasting forever, without end and timeless; but it can also mean an emphasized expression of admiration in a phrase such as my eternal gratitude.  How can these concepts be associated to a city? And, if I can call Rome eternal, why can’t I call Athens or Jerusalem the same? Continue reading The Eternal City

Profile: Robb Horsley


In the first of our new series which profiles our faculty members, we spent a few minutes chatting with our Program Director Robb Horsley and finding out what he loves about Rome… Continue reading Profile: Robb Horsley

Reflections: Samantha Sanders – Summer 2015 (week 3)

After finding her feet in week one and taking on the city with vigour in week two, Summer 2015 Student Samantha Sanders was feeling boyant as she entered the third week of the program. Continue reading Reflections: Samantha Sanders – Summer 2015 (week 3)

Reflections: Samantha Sanders – Summer 2015 (week 2)

Work/study student Samantha continues to reflect on her month on the Summer 2015 program. If you missed the first instalment of her adventures, you can read it hereContinue reading Reflections: Samantha Sanders – Summer 2015 (week 2)