Reflections: Samantha Sanders – Summer 2015

Painting on Pincho Hill

Samantha Sanders was awarded a One Month Work/Study scholarship to study in Rome during Summer 2015. Over the course of the next few weeks, find out about her time on the Program as she reflects on her time in Rome. Continue reading Reflections: Samantha Sanders – Summer 2015

Summer 2015 In Pictures – Week 4


Students plein air painting in Campo dei Fiori

During the final week of the June program, the students were put through their paces in a variety of locations, each with a very different feel. From the ruins of Ostia Antica, to the busy Campo Dei Fiori and night painting at the Pantheon, the students took it all in their strides… Continue reading Summer 2015 In Pictures – Week 4

Summer 2015 In Pictures – Week One

Some of Our Summer 2015 Students

For those of you who don’t follow us on Instagram, a couple of our students share a few images from Week One of the Summer 2015 Rome Art Program. Continue reading Summer 2015 In Pictures – Week One

Reflections: Liliana Perez – Student, 2011

I washed my feet, as soon as I got into the apartment. After a while I felt as if the dirt on my feet, was a residue, dragged on to the ground, from history. At times I felt that my feet were turning into sponges, gathering the history left behind. When I sat down to draw, the earth under my feet , beckoned me to draw their spirit on to my watercolor, brava! What was I really painting? Continue reading Reflections: Liliana Perez – Student, 2011