When In Rome: Packing For Your Stay

3488027849_4d0af3f046_zWe now have just over four weeks until the start of the 2016 Rome Art Program!!

What to pack is one of the biggest challenges – especially when you are away for a few weeks. Before you try to squeeze your entire life into suitcase it is worth bearing (in no particular order) a few of the following things in mind.

Continue reading When In Rome: Packing For Your Stay

Student Success: Luc Dubois

unnamed-1 Success can be like buses; sometimes it all comes at once. This is very much the case for Luc Dubois (Personal Assistant to our Artistic Director Carole Robb on the 2015 program) who has sent us this list of everything he has been up to over the past few months. In fact there has been so much going on we have had to split it into two posts! Continue reading Student Success: Luc Dubois

Reflections: Samantha Sanders – Summer 2015 (week 3)

After finding her feet in week one and taking on the city with vigour in week two, Summer 2015 Student Samantha Sanders was feeling boyant as she entered the third week of the program. Continue reading Reflections: Samantha Sanders – Summer 2015 (week 3)

Reflections: Samantha Sanders – Summer 2015 (week 2)

Work/study student Samantha continues to reflect on her month on the Summer 2015 program. If you missed the first instalment of her adventures, you can read it hereContinue reading Reflections: Samantha Sanders – Summer 2015 (week 2)