Plein Air Painting

Artist’s have long painted outdoors however plein air painting was we know it became popular during the mid-nineteenth century. Derived from the french term en plein air (meaning outdoor or in open air), Impressionists took to the outdoors to study and capture the world on canvas, working in natural light and observing the effects of the sun throughout the day. Continue reading Plein Air Painting

Faculty Works: The Art of Scent – Frances Middendorf

I need my senses to think noted the philosopher Ludwig Feurbach in 1841. Perhaps, too, it is the desire of many artists to exercise one’s senses like a muscle in order to strengthen sensitivity. One associates picture making primarily with training the eye but developing other faculties as well can add an unexpected richness to one’s visual vocabulary.
Continue reading Faculty Works: The Art of Scent – Frances Middendorf