From The Director: My Thoughts On Summer 2014

Pope Innocent X, Velázquez
Pope Innocent X, Velázquez

Rome is spoiled.   You hear this often but Rome has been spoiled so many times.   They were saying this when Julius Caesar made it a crossroads for cultural, political, economic and social exchange between Europe, Africa and beyond.

Continue reading From The Director: My Thoughts On Summer 2014

Student Success: Chloe Vallance – Solo Exhibition

In April this year, Summer 2014 student Chloe Vallance held a solo exhibition of her Masters of Arts (Fine Art) by Research at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. The project was entitled A Moment of Beauty: An Archive of Intimate Engagements.

We spoke to Chloe recently and she gave us an insight into the exhibition and her work.

Continue reading Student Success: Chloe Vallance – Solo Exhibition