A Christmas Message

4155243997_6537756aa5_zWe’re so accustomed to the Holiday season, it comes as a surprise that President Lincoln never gave a Christmas speech – because Christmas didn’t become a national holiday until 1870.

He had his challenges but that wasn’t one of them. Continue reading A Christmas Message

Faculty Works: Carole Robb

“Hades Express” 2015, Watercolor on paper, 30″ x 44″ / 76cm x 112cm

Tomorrow evening, the latest show from our Artistic Director Carole Robb opens at the Palazzo dei Cartelloni in Florence, Italy. Continue reading Faculty Works: Carole Robb

Summer 2015 In Pictures – Week 4


Students plein air painting in Campo dei Fiori

During the final week of the June program, the students were put through their paces in a variety of locations, each with a very different feel. From the ruins of Ostia Antica, to the busy Campo Dei Fiori and night painting at the Pantheon, the students took it all in their strides… Continue reading Summer 2015 In Pictures – Week 4

From The Director: The Art of Living – A New years Message

RAP alumni are scattered throughout the world. Some are in the sun and some are in the snow, but I can reach out to you all, in a way like an extended family, with the magic of a New Year blog. Continue reading From The Director: The Art of Living – A New years Message