A Christmas Message

4155243997_6537756aa5_zWe’re so accustomed to the Holiday season, it comes as a surprise that President Lincoln never gave a Christmas speech – because Christmas didn’t become a national holiday until 1870.

He had his challenges but that wasn’t one of them. Continue reading A Christmas Message

Reflections: Brian Strigel – Summer 2015

The only place outside America I’ve been before this trip was Montreal.  I threw myself out into a city in which I had no experience with the knowledge I gathered from school. I hadn’t heard of the romance of the city, nor did I really care. I nearly missed the opportunity to apply. However, now that I had been to the city, experiencing it first hand I fell in love with the place. Continue reading Reflections: Brian Strigel – Summer 2015

Reflections: Noor Qayyum – Summer 2015

Travelling to Rome had always been a dream of mine, stemming from a manic obsession with Cleopatra and Marc Antony. Before leaving for Rome my head professor guaranteed me that Rome would change my life. I never imagined just how much it would. Continue reading Reflections: Noor Qayyum – Summer 2015


With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we thought we would ask our Rome-based, American faculty about their plans for the holiday and find out if their celebrations have been influenced by their European residence… Continue reading Thanksgiving