Point Of View: Dr Irene Barberis – Visiting Critic

It is not often that one is able to say that a program really changes students. During their time on the Rome Art Program the perceptions of students grow, it offers them such an expanded field for their new art practice, or indeed the revitalizing and establishing of mature engagements with making art; particularly painting and drawing. Continue reading Point Of View: Dr Irene Barberis – Visiting Critic

Point Of View: Tristan Barlow’s Rome – Past, Present & Future

Arriving at each new city, the traveler finds again a past of his that he did not know he had: the foreignness of what you no longer are or no longer possess lies in wait for you in foreign, unpossessed places.

            Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities Continue reading Point Of View: Tristan Barlow’s Rome – Past, Present & Future

Point Of View: Amber Sander – Teaching Assistant & Ex-Student

Colosseum, Rome

Coming together in the early morning hours for a macchiato to talk about the days agenda, when only street carts and pigeons linger in the cobble-stoned streets, makes every job I’ve ever had look mediocre in comparison. Rome in truth is a working city, capable of balancing its ancient heritage while still allowing for modern life to exist seamlessly around it. As an artist, every minute spent in Rome places you in a state of euphoria, from the hustle and bustle of every day life, to observing living history all around you. Continue reading Point Of View: Amber Sander – Teaching Assistant & Ex-Student

From The Director: The Art of Living – A New years Message

RAP alumni are scattered throughout the world. Some are in the sun and some are in the snow, but I can reach out to you all, in a way like an extended family, with the magic of a New Year blog. Continue reading From The Director: The Art of Living – A New years Message