Point Of View: Denise Israel

My journey as a painter began six years ago after a brief meeting with the Rome Art Program Creative Director Carole Robb in New York; hearing her describe how she worked with artists and students coming to Rome to paint en plein air (outdoor) excited me. It started in 2010 and I’m back this year again!

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Reflections: Brian Strigel – Summer 2015

The only place outside America I’ve been before this trip was Montreal.  I threw myself out into a city in which I had no experience with the knowledge I gathered from school. I hadn’t heard of the romance of the city, nor did I really care. I nearly missed the opportunity to apply. However, now that I had been to the city, experiencing it first hand I fell in love with the place. Continue reading Reflections: Brian Strigel – Summer 2015

Reflections: Noor Qayyum – Summer 2015

Travelling to Rome had always been a dream of mine, stemming from a manic obsession with Cleopatra and Marc Antony. Before leaving for Rome my head professor guaranteed me that Rome would change my life. I never imagined just how much it would. Continue reading Reflections: Noor Qayyum – Summer 2015