Student Success: Keri Rosebraugh

unnamed-1Rome Art Program’s Summer 2016 Teaching Assistant Keri Rosebraugh has recently completed her Masters in Studio Arts at Studio Arts Centre International (SACI) in Florence, so we thought we would take this opportunity to share a few images of her work from her graduate show. Continue reading Student Success: Keri Rosebraugh

Point Of View: Denise Israel

My journey as a painter began six years ago after a brief meeting with the Rome Art Program Creative Director Carole Robb in New York; hearing her describe how she worked with artists and students coming to Rome to paint en plein air (outdoor) excited me. It started in 2010 and I’m back this year again!

Continue reading Point Of View: Denise Israel

Student Success: Tristan Barlow


One of the paintings by Summer 2011 na Summer 2012 Teaching Assistant Tristan Barlow has been selected for the prestigious John Moores Painting Prize Exhibition this year. Continue reading Student Success: Tristan Barlow