My journey as a painter began six years ago after a brief meeting with the Rome Art Program Creative Director Carole Robb in New York; hearing her describe how she worked with artists and students coming to Rome to paint en plein air (outdoor) excited me. It started in 2010 and I’m back this year again!
I’m a mature artist who’s worked all over the world, however it was this Italian opportunity that inspired me to develop from a graphic commercial design background towards a more liberated, soulful position – I had my Renaissance.
Working outside, amidst the hustle and bustle of visitors and locals, you learn how to seize the moment; it’s a vivid, colourful assault and it’s built up my resistance. I remember sitting on the stone steps of the Vatican at seven in the evening, watching and painting the early evening colour palette. The dusky pinks, reds and sudden dark sky. These places carry such history and personality, I was caught up with the mood and atmosphere as I mixed my water colours.
Another time, I spent a day at the Borghese Gardens trying to capture the complexity of the lake using my pastels.
Each year I look forward to meeting a new group; there’s a special bond between us as we work and play together, respecting each others talent. It’s hard. The days are hot and long but the tutors are so patient and expert; it’s this unique mix that I find so special. I enjoy the mood and the aesthetic in time.
Thanks to RAP I’ve found a new spirit within my work. It’s a very special collaboration of creative personalities and, it’s laid the foundation for so many stylistic turning points in my development.
Denise Israel, London Artist and member of the Rome Art program Honorary Board