Student Success: Luc Dubois (Part 2)

Following on the post earlier this month, here is the second instalment of the achievements made by Luc Dubois, 2015 Personal Assistant to our Artistic Director.

In December Luc became an associated member of the Silex Atelier. The atelier is one of the oldest sculpture atelier in Quebec and is a public a public institution where artists can meet and work; it also has a permanent exhibition room and workshop facilities.

In order to join artists have to submit a project which is then reviewed by a board; once the project is accepted the associated member is free to develop his project on his own. Silex Atelier has marble cutting, metal, ceramic, glass and wood facilities which all members can use within a communal atmosphere.

Luc submitted his project Aurora in November 2015 and was accepted so is planning on working there during the course of this year.

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Finally, as of January 5 2016, Luc acquired a drone pilot license!! Anyone who spent time with Luc in Rome last summer will know about his particular way of seeing perspectives and apparently this license will enable him to get closest to him actual point of view – giving him all the perspective he needs.

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