Name: Edina Eszenyi, Ph.D.
What do you do? Art Historian
Where are you based? Rome, Italy
What’s your background? I have a Ph.D. in Medieval and Early Modern History from the University of Kent Canterbury, UK. I also have MAs in Art History and English Studies from the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary
Any Major shows and/or awards?
2008-2011 : University of Kent Postgraduate Research Scholarship
2010 : Royal Historical Society Postgraduate Research Support Grant
2008 : The J. Paul Getty Museum and Research Institute Los Angeles Getty Library Research Grant
2007 : Saint John’s University, Minnesota, Heckman Research Stipend, Hill Museum and Manuscript Library
2005 : University of Oslo Centre for Viking and Medieval Studies, Erasmus fellowship from the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary
When in rome… Remember that being on time is overrated, being overdressed is impossible, and try seafood spaghetti!
Where is your favourite painting or drawing location? I tend to doodle during boring conference presentations…
Tell Us a Secret About Rome: Rome could tell you all my secrets.
Where is the best spot to relax? The sunny, northern side of the colonnado on Piazza San Pietro – with my back against a column and my bare feet on the warm white marble
What do you always have in your bag when going around the city? My scent of the day (as in any city) and sunglasses (imperative in Rome)
You Choose:
- Michelangelo’s Pieta or Canova’s Pauline Bonepart? Pauline, the rebel
- Caravaggio’s Calling of ST Matthew or Raphael’s Transfiguration?Matthew. Not the strong get chosen but the chosen get strengthened.
- Fellini’s La Dolce Vita or Wyler’s Roman Holiday? Uhm… How about Pacific Rim…?
To paraphrase Monty Python (Life of Brian) – What have the Roman’s ever done for us?
1. Bernini
2. The rest of the art of Rome
Quote from… Monty Python’s Life Of Brian
Reg: All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
PFJ Member: Brought peace?
Reg: Oh, peace? SHUT UP!