When In Rome: Breakfast

With the Summer 2015 program now just a few weeks away, we decided to it was time to begin to give you the low-down on life in Rome. Whether you are a student (past or present), are planning a holiday to the city or just enjoy reading about what we are up to on the Rome Art Program, this series of posts will hopefully have something for everyone.

Breakfast may be considered the most important meal of the day by many but in Rome breakfast is simple; coffee and something sweet.

As in the rest of the country many Romans have breakfast on their way to work. Dropping in at their local bar for an coffee sometime between 7.00am and 11.00am.

In Italy the word coffee generally refers to an espresso however at breakfast it is perfectly acceptable to request a cappuccino or macchiato (espresso with hot or cold foamed milk). Unlike in much of the rest of Europe, North America and Australia, in Italy Cappuccino is a breakfast drink and most Italians don’t drink it after 11am.

Coffee (however you like it) is always accompanied by a Cornetto  (a crescent shaped sweet pastry filled with jam, flavoured cream or chocolate), Brioche (a round pastry with similar fillings to the cornetto) or Biscotti.

Breakfast in a bar is usually served standing up at the counter however if you are in less of a rush it is perfectly acceptable to grab a table and watch the world go by, just be prepared to pay extra.

By the way, don’t get your coffee to go – it’s just not the Italian way!



Image: Gulia Mule via Flickr

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