Faculty Works: The Window at 125

Window noun

win·dow (wĭn′dō)

An opening in the wall or roof of a building or vehicle, fitted with glass in a frame to admit light or air and allow people to see out…

Or in the case of The Window at 125, encouraging people to look in.

Back in December Austin Furtak-Cole, our  2011 and 2012 Teaching Assistant exhibited the above painting The Descenders, in the The Window at 125 as part of the 7th season of The Introducing Series.

Each artist exhibiting is introduced through a series of public conversations and Q and A sessions at the hotel.

Find out what Austin had to say about his work in his conversation with Jake Nussbaum.

The Window at 125 is a repurposed exhibition space at the Roger Smith Hotel on the iconic East 47th Street, Manhattan, New York. Working in collaboration with Vermont Studio Center, The Window at 125 is part of the Roger Smith Creative Program and is used to showcase unrepresented established and emerging artists. Each artist chosen to show their work will then nominate their successor.

If you wish to find out more information regarding The Window at 125 or the Roger Smith Hotel and Creative Program, please visit www.rogersmith.com


You can find out more about Austin and his work below:


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